Summa Central Logo and Website Design
Summa Central is an Insurance Agent education and training company. When designing the logo it was important to represent the theme of the company which is education. Keeping the logo simple yet relevant, the light bulb inside the head gives the idea of the company within a glance. Easy to read typography for websites lets the viewer scan the header page quickly and gain the information needed. Blue is considered a color of trust, therefore utilizing this color for an education platform gives the viewer a sense of calm and trustworthiness about the company. 
When designing the website it was important that the viewer was able to determine the intention of the site with a quick glance while enticing the viewer to want to scroll through the information. Keeping with a simple blue, white, with pops of gold color scheme makes the website easily read. Elements of the light bulb can be seen on each page or continuity as well as in the logo. Textures and bold colored backgrounds give interest to each page while keeping the typography easy to read. was a collaboration of a team. My part in particular included creation of the logo, website composition, color and texture selection, as well as development and design through WordPress. 

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